Personal Inflation Calculator

Time period:



Official inflation rate from 06/2023 to 06/2024

Personal inflation rate from 06/2023 to 06/2024

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Group Name

Group name according to the Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose

Change of

Percentage change of the index

Average Monthly
of Household

Monthly expenditure of an average household (3.3 persons)

Personal Expenditure (GEL)

Annual or monthly expenditure amount



Food and non-alcoholic beverages 1.9 % 975.90

Food Bread and cereals, meat, fish, dairy products, oils, fruit, vegetables, confectionery, etc.

1.7 % 889.85

Non-alcoholic beverages Tea, coffee, mineral waters, juices, limonade, etc.

3.5 % 86.05
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 3.4 % 197.48

Alcoholic beverages Wine, spirits, beer, etc.

4.3 % 101.28

Tobacco Cigarettes, etc.

2.3 % 96.20
Clothing and footwear -3.8 % 116.53

Clothing Including tailoring, repair and hire of clothing

-3.1 % 83.44

Footwear Including repair of footwear

-6.2 % 33.08
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels -2.2 % 255.68

Actual rentals for housing Actual rentals for housing

0.6 % 56.19

Maintenance and repair of the dwelling Materials and services for redecoration of the dwelling

12 % 24.50

Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling Water supply and sewage collection fee, etc.

0.1 % 23.86

Electricity, gas and other fuels Electricity and natural gas fee, LPG, firewood, etc.

-5.4 % 151.13
Furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house -3.3 % 159.56

Furniture, furnishings, etc. Chair, table, sofa, etc.

-1.7 % 14.13

Household textiles Blanket, bed linen, towel, curtain, etc.

-3.8 % 3.01

Household appliances Refrigerator, washing machine, gas stove, etc.

-5.1 % 31.05

Glassware, tableware and household utensils Glass, plate, pot, frying pan, etc.

-2.9 % 29.90

Tools and equipment for house and garden Hammer, pliers, etc.

2.4 % 1.07

Goods and services for routine household maintenance Cleaning products, napkins, dry nurse service, etc.

-3 % 80.39
Healthcare -0.2 % 274.35

Medical products, appliances and equipment Medicaments, therapeutic appliances, etc.

-1.8 % 178.65

Out-patient services Therapist's consultation, dentist's services, echo scanning, etc.

2.6 % 55.00

Hospital services Including child delivery service

2.7 % 40.70
Transport 11 % 352.15

Purchase of vehicles

4.9 % 47.87

Operation of personal transport equipment Fuel, spare parts, car repair, etc.

15.1 % 228.16

Transport services Public transport services

4.7 % 76.12
Communication -1.5 % 108.12

Telephone and telefax equipment Purchase and repair of a phone

-8.1 % 19.33

Telephone and telefax services Phone tariff, Internet tariff, etc.

0 % 88.78
Recreation and culture -0.7 % 97.52

Audio-visual and information processing equipment Purchase and repair of a TV set, camera, computer and other equipment

-10.6 % 21.76

Other major durables for recreation and culture Musical Instruments, sports and recreation equipment

-1.3 % 0.44

Other recreational items and equipment, gardens and pets Toys, sports equipment, flowers, etc.

-1.7 % 15.78

Recreational and cultural services Swimming pool fee, sport circle fee, theater, movie, museum, etc.

2.2 % 24.44

Newspapers, books and stationery

0.7 % 25.02

Tourist journey

7.8 % 10.08
Education 3.8 % 135.84

Pre-primary and primary education

7.1 % 10.21

Secondary education College tuition fee, tutor's fee, etc.

6.3 % 67.40

Post-secondary non-tertiary education

0.3 % 56.92

Education not definable by level Foreign language study fee, etc.

2.9 % 1.31
Hotels, cafes and restaurants 7.5 % 96.40

Catering services Cafe, restaurant, bar, etc.

7.7 % 80.86

Accommodation services Hotel service, etc.

6.5 % 15.54
Miscellaneous goods and services 2.8 % 153.36

Personal care Beauty salon, personal hygiene goods, etc.

1.6 % 74.85

Personal effects n.e.c. Accessories, jewelry, etc.

17.2 % 13.34

Insurance Health insurance premium, etc.

3.9 % 19.17

Financial services n.e.c. Bank service fee

0.3 % 37.97

Other services n.e.c. Notary services, etc.

0 % 8.02
Total 2922.9
Average Monthly
of Household

Monthly expenditure of an average household (3.3 persons)

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