Mr. Denis Leythienne, senior administrator, leader of the team ‘Social statistics collected from businesses’ at Eurostat/Directorate F: ‘Social statistics’/Unit F.3: ‘Labour market and lifelong learning’. Training: Degree in economics and statistics (ENSAE-Paris), Research Master Degree in bio-statistics and stochastic processes (Paris-Orsay), Research Master Degree in combinatorics and optimisation (Grenoble)  Experience: 5 years in competition law (European Commission), 2 years in trade statistics (Eurostat), 10 years in national accounts (Eurostat), 7 years in labour statistics (Eurostat). 
Main fields of work: national accounts, labour statistics, time series. 

Mr. Tsotne Balakhashvili – Chief Specialist in Labour Statistics Division, Social Statistics Department of, National Statistics Office of Georgia – GEOSTAT, holds a master’s degree in Economics.
He has 3 years’ experience working in household surveys in GEOSTAT including Labour Force Survey and Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (2018 Georgia MICS). Since 2016, Mr. Tsotne Balakhashvili is an invited  lecturer in Ilia State University.

Mr. Andrii Gerasymenko - Deputy Director of the Department for Social Statistics of the State Statistics of Ukraine – Head of Division for Monitoring of Social Programs and One-time Surveys. He has 18 years’ experience working in various fields of Statistics of Ukraine including participation in the MICS survey and other work related to gender.

Ms. Zhyldyz Rakhmanova has been working as head of social statistics department of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic since 2015 until present. She is responsible for gender statistics as well.
Her total work experience in statistical system is more than 14 years. By education, her speciality is Information Systems in Economy/Economics.
