Since 2005, Mr. Andres Vikat is working at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), currently as Chief of the Social and Demographic Statistics Section. Work under his responsibility includes the development of guidelines on statistical methodology, building national statistical capacities and disseminating comparable statistical data on UNECE countries.
He will speak today about entrepreneurship statistics from the gender perspective, discussing the main concepts and data sources as well as the most recent data on the proportion of employers among employed women and men.

Mr. Giga Kikoria – Senior Specialist of the National Statistics Office of Georgia – GEOSTAT, holds a Master’s degree in Economics.He has almost 2 years’ experience working in various fields of Statistics of Georgia including Education and Culture, Healthcare, Crime Statistics and Gender Statistics.
Since 2016, Mr. Giga Kikoria Is a Ph.D. Student.

Ms. Nadejda Cojocari - Interim Head of Social Services Statistics Division and gender focal point of the institution. Young statistician, being in the Bureau of seven years, during which she managed to represent the Bureau in many national and international events. She is one of the team members who created the interactive GenderPulse application.

Ms. Lucine Kalantaryan is a Head of Labour Statistics Division at the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia (Armstat) with 17 years’ experience.
Before occupying the current position, Lucine has been worked as a Leading Specialist at the Population Census Department of the Armstat in the early 2000s.
For the last four years, Lucine is a Gender Statistics Focal Point as well. She is a member of Women Entrepreneurs’ Club kicked off in 2018 by the EU-SMEDA project.
