Geostat prepared the interactive maps of the 2014 General Population Census results

Date: 9 February 2018

National Statistics Office of Georgia prepared the interactive maps of the 2014 General Population Census results through Geographic Information Systems. Interactive thematic maps were prepared on the level of regional and self-governing units and different types of settlements as well. The maps cover information about geographical distribution, density, age, gender, ethnicity, knowledge of Georgian language, religion, level of education, economic activity, households and living conditions. 
The interactive maps were processed in line with Eurostat recommendations. Furthermore, 1 km2 geographic grid was used for distribution of the number of population. The above-mentioned approach is used by the statistical institutes of the EU member states and provides the exhaustive visualization of census results that is especially important in terms of spatial analysis. 
Geostat implemented Geographic Information Systems during the 2014 General Population Census field work. It improves data accuracy and quality, saves resources, simplifies data collection and monitoring of field work. 
Interactive maps are available on the Geostat and Census web-pages: 
