Geostat will conduct “Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)”

Date: 18 May 2018

Today, the Executive Director of National Statistics Office of Georgia, Mr. Gogita Todradze and the Representative of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to Georgia, Ms. Laila Omar Gad signed the grant agreement through which the Geostat will conduct the “Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)”. 

Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey has been developed by the United Nations Children’s Fund. It is one of the largest international household surveys. Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys have been implemented since 1990s. More than 300 surveys have been conducted in more than 100 countries. The preparations for the 6th global round are in progress in the world at this time. Georgia last participated in the 3rd round of Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in 2005. 
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey program has been developed in order to collect the main data used to assess the situation of children and women. As the result of the survey, it will be possible to obtain such statistical indicators that are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and reflect the topical issues of the 2030 Agenda.
 Those indicators include: women and children health, parents’ engagement in childcare, childcare, living conditions, social transfers, population victimization, live satisfaction, use of clean fuel and technologies, awareness about HIV-AIDS, etc. Within the survey, the water quality will also be tested. 
Preparations for the survey will last for several months and the survey in the households will be conducted in September of this year. The results of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey will be available in spring of 2019.
