Training on Gender Statistics

Date: 25 January 2019

5 days “Training for trainers on production of Gender Statistics” are held for 25 employees of National Statistics Office of Georgia. The training is held in Borjomi in the framework of the project “EU supporting the Inter-Agency Commission on Gender Equality”. Representatives of Geostat’s central and regional bureaus as well participate in this training. During the training, attention was paid to both methodological and practical work; international expert with the group members will discuss the existing practices in Geostat and the ways of improving and expanding gender indicators.
The main focus of the meeting was the gender in Georgian context: national commitments, gaps and challenges in Gender Statistics, evaluation of the gender statistics activities of national statistical system, the measurement methods and definitions of violence against women, database of violence against women in Georgia, data dissemination/ visualization, the use of statistical products etc.
"It is very important for the Geostat staff to conduct such training and share international practice, especially involvement of employees of the Geostat Regional Bureaus” – claimed Mr. Gogita Todradze, the Executive Director of Geostat. Geostat will continue work towards improving gender statistics and active cooperation with users.